Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just a quick up date...

Well, I have been meaning to post for a few days now (I actually started this post last Friday) but it just hasn't happened yet. My school work is starting to get to me. I have a final paper due in less than 3 weeks and I haven't really don't anything for it yet. I really need to get my but in gear. I only have a month left in this class and I am so tired of it I just want to be done already. But, enough complaining.

Here are some fun pictures I took of Juliana. I let her paint with poster paints...normally she paints with water colors and now I know why. LOL

Yes, she was eating it and it was poster paint. Not edible by any means and it doesn't smell good so I don't know why she would eat it. I promise that I do feed her.
I really think this picture is funny because she was actually getting really mad at me for laughing about her face. That's why her fists are all balled up. LOL. She has a little bit of a temper. I have no idea where she could have gotten that from.
My cousin Karley gave her this little hat. It has a matching bag. Well she has fallen in love with it the last week. And this is her pretending to be a "Super Reader" as she calls it. She really is so much fun.

Well, this week we have had a renewed interest in potty training. So, we have been working on it the last two days. She is doing really great. Yesterday she had 3 accidents and 6 successes and today she had 2 accidents and 9 successes and she woke up from her nap with a dry pull up. I was so proud of her. I am really working on being really positive and up beat with her. So all of you other Mom's out there I could use your words of wisdom and encouragement on this. I am not the most patient person on earth.


Nicole said...

Go Juliana!! :) You will have a potty party before you know it! :)nic

Perry Family said...

I love the pictures of her eating it, Bryanna would have done the SAME thing!! She still sneaks in some crayon when I'm not looking, and she knows not to eat it, but nothing will stop her, she always ends up spitting it out in the end, so go figure!
Potty Training can be very frustrating! All you can really do to help it go along is to stay positive. Although, there were a few times I was a little frustrated with Bryanna. She has been potty trained for 4 months, and she did good for a while but there was about one week that she would have an accident daily!! It's better now, but it seemed when I got upset, it made her upset, then after I realized that, I stopped getting upset, and she was fine...her darn mother:) It is so huge once the potty training is over with...Life is great outside of pull-ups!!! Yea for Juliana!!! She's such a doll, I wished you guys were still in Vegas!! Bryanna would love playing with her!!

Kendra said...

Gag!! Why do they put those kinds of things in their mouths?! Don't ask me about potty training. I still have a 3 y.o. in pull ups. All I can say is when they are ready they will do it and let you know. Other than that patience, patience, patience-which I am so low on these days (weeks, months) ;-)
BTW- where are the b-day pix?